Bond's physique does not fail (6/2010)
Bond would have not survived so long without knowledge of physique. 007’s tricks are full physique.
Bond wants his drink ”shaken, not stirred”, why?. Well theres an answer. When the drink is shaken, molecules of the drink come up close the surface so when Bond drinks, the taste is strongest at the first gulp. Mostly, a busy agent isn’t able to drink the whole glass.
In difficult situations, Bond finds the right way to survive. For example, if theres a narrow way, Bond can drive a car using only two wheels. In physics, it is proved that it is actually possible.
Bond can sometimes overstate to save his and his girls’ lives. Like he did in the movie ”007 and a goldfinger” in the airplane when Pussy Galore were going to shoot him. Bond said that if the girl shoots him, the bullet will also make a hole to the airplane and drag everyone out of the plane, if the window breaks. In this situation, its proved, that the technology today would prevent from the disaster. But Bond was bluffing and saved his life.
In the movie ”Live and let die” James Bond used his watch to grab a spoon from the table. The spoon was one meters away. It is proved that Bond would need 4,5 billion-ampere current. And basically, it is possible, but it would make the watch 250 degrees hot. And even that would not stop a super agent like Bond. The Q is the one who manufacturers Bond’s equipment.
Bond also has super glasses to prevent reflections in sunny days. Nowadays, it is possible to make such glasses. The glasses of the secret service of Britain can filter a light aimed on any direction only by turning the lenses.
As you can notice, most of the equipment and ”stunts” done in the movies, aren't really possible. Still some of the stunts are possible to be done. However, the Bond -movies are entertaining, no matter if the stunts are possible to be done or not.
In our opinion the Bond –movies have always been unrealistic but this research opened our eyes, that there are some possible things behind the curtains.
©Okko Karsikko and Sami Siljoranta
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